Banking Products

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The CANNEX GIC Exchange is a service that supports the processing of GIC transactions between banks and nominee brokers.

The benefits of the CANNEX GIC Exchange include:

  • Expanded distribution of GICs for banks, trusts and credit unions
  • Expanded offering of GIC products for nominee dealers
  • Simplified exchange of information within a secure and reliable process
  • Streamlined process that reduces costs, data errors and turn-around time for GIC transactions.

The features of the CANNEX GIC Exchange include:

  • The efficient exchange of GIC transaction data for:
    • Nominee and client name orders
    • Intra-dealer re-registration requests
  • The periodic exchange of reconciliation files for GIC holdings and positions
  • Same day settlement of funds related to GIC orders through settlement service providers

Participants on the CANNEX GIC Exchange – Product Issuers:

  • Alterna Savings and Credit Union Limited – NEW
  • B2B Bank
    • Laurentian Bank
    • Laurentian Trust
    • LBC Trust
  • Bank of Montreal
    • BMO Mortgage Corp.
    • BMO Trust
  • BlueShore Financial Credit Union
  • Bridgewater Bank
  • Canadian Tire Bank
  • Canadian Western Bank
    • Canadian Western Trust
  • Coast Capital Savings Federal Credit Union
  • Community Trust
  • Concentra Bank
  • Effort Trust
  • Equitable Bank
    • Equitable Trust
  • Fairstone Bank of Canada
  • FirstOntario Credit Union
  • First West Credit Union
  • General Bank of Canada
  • Haventree Bank
  • Home Equity Bank
  • Home Trust Company
    • Home Bank
  • ICICI Bank Canada
  • Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada)
  • Innovation Federal Credit Union
  • KEB Hana Bank Canada
  • League Savings and Mortgage Company
  • Manulife Bank
    • Manulife Trust
  • MCAN Mortgage Corporation
  • Meridian Credit Union
  • National Bank
    • NatCan Trust
  • Peoples Trust
  • President’s Choice Bank
  • RFA Bank of Canada
  • Royal Bank
    • Royal Bank Mortgage Corp.
    • Royal Trust Company
    • Royal Trust Corporation
  • SBI Canada Bank
  • Scotiabank
    • Scotia Mortgage Corp.
    • Montreal Trust
    • National Trust
    • The Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company
  • Shinhan Bank Canada
  • Steinbach Credit Union
  • Sun Life Financial Trust Inc.
  • Vancity Savings
  • VersaBank
  • Wealth One Bank of Canada

Participants on the CANNEX GIC Exchange – Dealer Organizations:

    • Assante Capital Management Ltd.
    • Assante Financial Management Ltd.
    • Aviso Financial Inc.
    • B2B Bank Financial Services Inc.
    • BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
    • Canaccord Genuity Corporation
    • Carte Wealth Management Inc. – NEW
    • CI Investment Services Inc.
    • CIBC World Markets Inc.
    • Deposit Broker Services Inc.
    • Desjardins Financial Services Investments Inc.
    • Desjardins Securities Inc.
    • Educators Financial Group
    • Edward Jones Inc.
    • Equity Associates Inc. – NEW
    • Fidelity Clearing Canada ULC
    • Haywood Securities Inc.
    • Investia Financial Services
    • Investment Planning Counsel Inc.
    • Investors Group Financial Services Ltd.
    • Investors Group Securities Inc.
    • Leede Financial Inc.
    • MD Financial Management
    • Monarch Wealth Corporation – NEW
    • National Bank Independent Network Inc.
    • National Bank Financial Inc.
    • Odlum Brown Ltd.
    • PEAK Investments Inc. – NEW
    • PEAK Securities Inc. – NEW 
    • Portfolio Strategies Corporation – NEW
    • Questrade Inc.
    • Raymond James Ltd.
    • RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
    • Research Capital Corporation
    • Scotia Capital Inc.
    • Sterling Mutuals Inc.
    • TD Waterhouse Canada Inc.
    • Ventum Financial Corporation
    • Worldsource Financial Management Inc.